Common transformational classifications include:
Common transformational classifications include:
Contributory social factors include:
Contributory social factors include:
Life will never be the same after the pandemic.
Other factors fueling disruptive transformation include:
The disruptive influence of the pandemic is unquestionable. The question is, what will emerge as the "new normal"?
Out of necessity, the pandemic has forced us to adopt digital business models. What will be the long-lasting impact of these changes?
Currently, given the stay-at-home directives, we are looking out at the world. We are trying to discern the safety of the environment, and when we can re-emerge.
Out of necessity, we have adopted digital business models to operate under our "social distancing" directive.
Which of these changes will become inherent in our business models going forward?
Massive collaboration, spending, and change management is required to move into the digital era.
The Great Financial Crisis of 2008 has driven the first phase of this re-invention, with the focus on data collection allowing for the massive advances in analytics and adoption of artificial intelligence in mainstream use cases.
The pandemic will provide the stimulus required to drive the massive adoption of digital business models.
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